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The Triangle Website members volunteer their time and knowledge of key issues that have blighted this area of Anfield for many years! "The PARTNERS" Joint Announcement 15th Oct 2012 Posted by David Conn Monday 15 October 2012 In the opulent town hall of a city whose economic glories have faded, Liverpool's managing director, Ian Ayre, presented as "a huge step forward" the decision to cancel a 10-year aspiration to build a new stadium. Liverpool instead are back where they were 13 years ago; planning to stay at Anfield and expand their main and Anfield Road stands to an overall 60,000 capacity, with plenty of "premium-priced seats". Ayre was frank about the motivation for such a historic expansion of Anfield, which will require buying and knocking down remaining residents' houses in the blighted streets around: "It is all about driving greater revenue to allow us to compete." Ayre, the commercial director promoted by the new American owners, Fenway Sports Group, when it took over Liverpool on this day two years ago, explained: "Football today is driven by high finance. Manchester United, and Arsenal, have higher matchday revenue, and if you want to compete, you have to have as full a pot as possible." Asked whether increasing capacity could allow Liverpool to make some tickets more affordable – a seat on the Kop for a category A match is now £45 – Ayre said: "We're not looking at reducing ticket prices – that's not realistic." The principal hurdle, besides borrowing the money, is to buy out the relatively few people still living in the blighted Lothair and Alroy Roads among other derelict properties, some owned and left empty by Liverpool. The city's mayor, Joe Anderson, sitting next to Ayre at Monday's town hall announcement, talked of partnership and regeneration, jobs and businesses which can be attracted once Liverpool have expanded. But he adopted a surprisingly aggressive tone when asked whether the council will ensure the local residents do not lose out. Those who own their homes will, Anderson said, be offered "market value", but the market around Anfield has collapsed. So residents, some of them elderly, are unlikely to be able to buy a similar house in another, non-derelict area, and could end up in debt or paying rent. As their homes are to be bought to facilitate Liverpool making many millions of pounds, residents believe the price of their homes should include development value and recognise the awful conditions they have been forced to tolerate while the club has been making its mind up. READ MORE: Liverpool must soothe restless residents before expanding Anfield Joe Anderson 15th Oct 2012: Today I want to talk about Liverpool FC being in a partnership with Your Housing and ourselves, the City Council, to develop the whole area of Anfield and actually regenerate that area. We have, of course, had to allow the club a lot of opportunity and a lot of time given the financial climate to assess the situation as to where they are with regards to how they believe they should move forward.
The Triangle Website: Why have Liverpool City Council allowed scores of properties in the Anfield area, to be left "deliberately" boarded up by LFC and Arena/Your Housing? Is it mere coincidence that three separate organizations have left vast amounts of their properties around Anfield stadium empty and boarded up for 10 - 15 years? "The PARTNERS" did not operated independently of each other while producing identical long term dereliction results in the exact areas outlined in the 1999 Plan. It's Time To End The Lies Ian Ayre 15th Oct 2012: We really welcome the opportunity to be part of this partnership. Having come together with Your Housing and Liverpool City Council over the last few years *It's important for us to note that any preference we ever had was always to be and stay at Anfield* It is the first step forward and there are things like the successful acquisition of property and then the creation of the right planning consent and all of those things, so it is step one - but it's a major step forward and I'm pleased to say we'll take it together. The Triangle Website: LFC have created the derelict abandoned look of the area by keeping scores of their properties unoccupied, boarded up and ill maintained. This dates back to David Moores' time at the club, it was adopted by H&G and still exists under FSG. For many years now, LFC have been land-banking properties around the stadium, therefore creating the ARTIFICIAL blighted problem. It's Time To End The Lies Kathy Cowell, chair of Your Housing, 15th Oct 2012: This is a partnership that is going to make it happen and we are in this for the long haul. We will work with people and make sure it is a process everyone is comfortable with because we want it to go smoothly. Our part is to make sure we have homes that are really good quality for people to live in and an area where people are proud to be.” The Triangle Website: Arena/Your Housing Group is responsible for a large part of the blight that has descended upon our neighborhood. Arena/Your Housing own great swathes of tinned up properties in this area, We are surrounded by tinned up Arena houses! We've had our fill of Arena's tin doors and Arena's tin windows! It's Time To End The Lies |

If you are unfortunate enough to live within the estimated boundary lines "the promised land" surrounding Anfield stadium, you are living in an expansion zone and not a regeneration zone. Despite what you may have read in the press or heard in official sound bites: LFC have funded the city council's plans to oust us from our homes under the dubious pretense of regeneration, because of its (LFC) long term desire to expand into your living rooms.
To put it simply, the club want to increase revenue, the city council want's it's 999 year ground rent and the residents, get well and truly shafted by both of them.
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Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. The Triangle website and forum may contain copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorised by the copyright owner. In the wider interests of the Anfield community - The Triangle website has made this material available – in an effort to advance the understanding of social and environmental responsibility issues, corporate accountability and human rights. Where possible The Triangle website has endeavoured to acknowledge ownership of such content contained herein.
It's Time To End The Lies
__The Triangle website members volunteer their time and knowledge of key issues to help and support our fellow residents.
Copyright © 2012 The Triangle. All rights reserved. The Triangle website is non-funded and non-profit generating
Copyright © 2012 The Triangle. All rights reserved. The Triangle website is non-funded and non-profit generating