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Is this not Local Authority Misfeasance? Website Editor 12 May 2013 Misfeasance: A term used in Tort Law to describe an act that is legal but performed improperly. Generally, a civil defendant will be liable for misfeasance if the defendant owed a duty of care toward the plaintiff, the defendant breached that duty of care by improperly performing a legal act, and the improper performance resulted in harm to the plaintiff. In April 2012 I emailed three local ward Councillors with my concerns about the area, I was honest and forthright with my opinion and requested their help and representation. Needless to say they did not reply - but they did act. Out of fear and desperation the Councillors forwarded the email to Ann O'Byrne and Mark Kitts for ACTION! After some initial sparring - Kitts and O'Byrne wouldn't answer any questions and used what I thought and still think was avoidance and stalling tactics. Is this not local authority Misfeasance? The city council knew of the accusations and issues (highlighted in David Conn's article 6 May 2013) early last year and they brushed them under the carpet - how do I know this? I sent it to them. In fact this website grew out of their actions or lack of and a need for the local residents concerns to be aired and hopefully addressed. I think we've had success in terms of airing our concerns but sadly those concerns have not been addressed but repressed and denied. Is this not local authority Misfeasance? Not only did they brush the proven facts under the carpet. they actively implemented artificial and deceptive plans in the name of regeneration, using unlawful threats of CPO and they all refused to represent Lothair road residents (who have been affected more than most) - Is this not local authority Misfeasance? Instinctively, you just know that something is "wrong," when after numerous requests for assistance and provided with evidence, our democratically elected representatives all refused to represent us! I believe that they have negated their responsibility to the very people they have sworn to serve - us, therefore they are all implicated via their own actions or lack thereof - Is this not local authority Misfeasance? In real world reality, not corporate fat cat fictional reality, if you are unfortunate enough to live in a home that LFC covet for it's expansion, then the term regeneration is intentionally misleading - it's quite simply as it say's on the tin - EXPANSION. We are not being regenerated we are being chewed up and spat out - regurgitated - if you like. - Is this not local authority Misfeasance? Liverpool City Council, Arena/Your Housing Group and LFC have an ethical and corporate social responsibility to coexist with the community and the environment that their businesses function in - Have the PARTNERS created an environment conducive to their social responsibility? Is this not Corporate Social Negligence? Read: Question to the Mayor of Liverpool By Councillor Steve Radford.pdf The European Commission defines corporate social responsibility as “the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society”. To fully meet their social responsibility, enterprises “should have in place a process to integrate social, environmental, ethical human rights and consumer concerns into their business operations and core strategy ”. Liverpool City Council have strict procedures for dealing with long term empty properties. These procedures (EDMO's & VPI's) enable the council to force owners to think about the long term future of their EMPTY properties and to bring them back into use - yet not one (as far as we here at The Triangle Website are aware) of these many blighted properties which are an eyesore and have had a negative effect on the neighbourhood and it's people, has had such measures implemented upon it. - Is this not local authority Misfeasance? I lay the blame squarely at the feet of Liverpool City Council, past and present. The city council allowed both Arena/Harvest/Your housing Group and LFC to create premeditated dereliction. in fact they actively promoted and encouraged it, the city council is a corporate business and they act according to that ethos. - Is this not local authority Misfeasance? It's the case all across the UK, but mostly in the north - city councils/local authorities allow areas to become run down and apply for government funding to regenerate those run down areas. The funds are then spent paying the aggrieved residents and businesses via agreement or CPO and the cost of demolition, by which time the funding has either run out or been cut altogether. The Charity Empty Homes discovered that 13 councils who won funding through the £35.5 million housing market renewal transition fund intend to demolish 5,125 homes and refurbish just 113. The local authorities are ultimately left with acres and acres of fertile, prime location, development rich land (ghost towns), but they've got no money left! Well that's easily solved - they sell or lease the land to PARTNERS and these partners go on to develop their newly acquired fertile land and make a nice ongoing long term profit. the city council/local authority takes it's cut in the form of 999 yearly lease payments or a percentage of the resale value. This form of contract also applies to the one pound housing sale schemes that have been so popular with near bankrupt local authorities, lots of small print clauses attached and a cut of resale value. While none of this is illegal or totally hidden from the public (you've got to request it ) - it is without doubt, premeditated and morally questionable behaviour and indicative of the corporate nature of modern local authorities and their business for profit at all costs attitude, be that flesh and blood profit or bricks and mortar profit, its all profit to them. |
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It's Time To End The Lies
It's Time To End The Lies
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